You must complete each maneuver - 2 hands on the reins - 1 hand on the reins - no hands on the reins or Bozzage reins with sticks only, before moving on to Level 3

Horse and Rider Evaluation Test - 1 – 12 Foundation Basic Handle   Completing this level -  rider and horse are only achieving  50%

2H       1H       NH

___      ___      ___      1.         Posting Trot 50' circles on the correct diagonals

___      ___      ___      2.         Forward – north  - Trotting Slide Stops - 5' to 10' -  Back up 5 steps

___      ___      ___      3.         Back – south - 200'  or 70 yds.

___      ___      ___      4.         Forehand turns - R&L  2 Revolutions

___      ___      ___      5.         Sidepass – east 200'  at a Trot  -  Fence and no fence

___      ___      ___      6.         Sidepass – west 200' at a Trot -   Fence and no fence

___      ___      ___      7.         2 track – North east – forward  200' at a trot

___      ___      ___      8.         2 track – north west – forward  200' at a trot

___      ___      ___      9.         2 track – south east – backward  200'

___      ___      ___      10.       2 track – south west – backward  200'

___      ___      ___      11.       Circle left  - 50’, 25’, 6’ Trotting Spin - 3 revolutions (ea. size)

___      ___      ___      12.       Circle Right  - 50’, 25’, 6’ Trotting Spin - 3 revolutions (ea.size)

11 Ways to pick up a Lead – L&R leads – 22 Total - 3 only in Level 2

Fence and no fence

___      ___      ___      5.          Rollaway out the opposite  lead - Trot in canter out

___      ___      ___      6.         Same  lead  roll out the opposite lead - Trot in canter out

___      ___      ___      7.         360 out the same  lead - Trot in canter out


180 degree rolls north to south –L& R leads – 8 Total

Fence and no fence

___      ___      ___      1.         Left lead -  rollaway out the opposite lead  - trot in, canter out

___      ___      ___      2.         Left lead -  same lead roll out the opposite lead - trot in, canter out

___      ___      ___      3.         Left lead – same lead roll out the same lead - trot in, canter out

___      ___      ___      4.         Left lead -  rollaway out the same lead  - trot in, canter out

___      ___      ___      1.         Right lead -  rollaway out the opposite lead - trot in, canter out

___      ___      ___      2.         Right lead -  same lead roll out the opposite lead - trot in, canter out

___      ___      ___      3.         Right lead – same lead roll out the same  lead - trot in, canter out

___      ___      ___      4.         Right lead -  rollaway out the same lead - trot in, canter out

12 Lead changes x 2 Lft & Rt =24 Total - only 7 in Level 2

___      ___      ___      2.         Front foot 1st  speed changes, Fig. 8's & Straightaways

___      ___      ___      3.         Front  foot 1st collected, Fig. 8's & Straightaways

___      ___      ___      4.         Simultaneous changes

___      ___      ___      5.         ½ change front only       

___      ___      ___      9.         Counter to counter changes - drop to a trot, canter out. Fig. 8's & Circles

___      ___      ___      10.       Rollaway 180 degree changes - trot in, canter out

___      ___      ___      11.       Same & out 180 degree roll changes  - trot in, canter out


Boz Saddlery/Bozzage Training/Annie's Piggly Pines         58348 Meadow Lane "Ponderosa"  Springville, CA 93265

559-542-1269 www.bozsaddlery.com      boz@bozsaddlery.com